LRM_EXPORT_1312255749278_20200411_220444124Sometimes we tell ourselves that it’s okay to be not okay in order for us to cope up with these things that we ourselves know we cannot change, that we ourselves cannot be able to fathom. And now, it has come to a point where we believe that yes, it’s okay not to be okay because really, it does.

I’ve heard this line a long time ago, it was from a social media platform wherein people posts their sentiments about life, about failures, about heartaches and just about anything. What has struck me the most is this line. I’ve always believed that everything should go my way and that what I want I shall always get but when I graduated college reality hit me hard.

Five years later I don’t know if I will be able to call myself successful because I flunked the board exams, I didn’t get to follow my dream job or whatever, I was not able to travel the world as what I have told my younger self – but this is reality and I have no choice but to accept the fact as it is.

As I grew older and I don’t know if I’ve grown wiser, I understood two important aspects of my life.

The first one is, you can’t always get what you want but there’s a way to get it. It takes determination, courage and hard work to get what you want or what you really need. You have to always keep yourself ready for anything because it may not go your way on the first try but there’s always a second, a third and so on. Now these three elements will not be as strong and powerful if not mixed with patience, humility and morals. That with determination, you must be patient in going through the process of achieving that goal. That with courage, you must always blend it with humility for courage without humility is arrogance crying for substance. And that with hard work you must always do it with your guiding principles and morals so as you go your way in fulfilling that dream you may not lose your way.

The second one is acceptance. Acceptance comes in all sorts, it can be good or otherwise but with acceptance you must be able to know that once you accept it whether it be a challenge or a decision, you must accept it with an open heart and an open mind. For the past years I’ve been struggling with what I really want to do in life. The process of not knowing what you will do goes on and on and believe me, it’s kind of a taunting experience. Everything’s going out of control inside your head. And as the end of the day approaches you have to make a decision, a very important decision, whether you will go to another day and face the challenge or just lie to yourself about everything.

Therefore, I firmly believe that it’s okay to be not okay.

Because that’s life, it’s a work-in-progress, you’ll have setbacks, you’ll fail.

But you can rise up again, bounce back harder and even shine the brightest.


📍 Oslob, Cebu

Enjoy whale watching in Oslob, South of Cebu. These amazing creatures are so friendly yet they’re so big! Friendly giants indeed.

Let us protect our oceans & seas by not throwing our garbage anywhere. Let’s minimize the use of single use plastics like straws and the like.

We are not the only living beings that need a better environment, a better world. The animals, the plants, us, we need a cleaner world, we can achieve this through discipline, proper knowledge & compassion.

Here are some snippets of my Oslob Whale Watching:

To you, from me.

An open letter
to the one who
broke my heart.

You know, you have always been my one great love. You showed me something that I didn’t see in anyone. You’ve always seen my positive side, the ones that the crowd would rarely see. A different side of me, a different perspective of my self, a different me. I’ve learn to trust you, in any ways possible. Supported you, even if the support isn’t much needed. Gave myself up for you so you could feel whole again. All of this I have done just so you could feel and see that I am here, with open arms, willing to take you back over and over and over again. I still remember how I cried over you in the rain. I felt the sky crying for me for I can no longer shed anymore tears for my eyes can no longer weep. I felt the whole world crashing, bits and pieces. I felt everything, I felt every tiny atoms inside of me falling apart. It hurts to know that you are gone and that you can never really come back. It hurts to know that I have lost myself more than I have lost you. You have taken away everything from me because you knew it was all for you and you have given yourself the freedom to catch my broken pieces so you could fill up your own empty ones. And now, five years have passed, I feel a little better than before. You have found your missing piece. While I’m here also trying, trying, and trying to find what could possibly fill the empty spaces in me. You’re still you, I heard but I don’t care anymore. You talk to me through messenger but it won’t bring up the pain again. The rain won’t make me cry again. And I guess I have finally decided to choose to let go of what’s holding me back to be happy and it’s not you after all, it’s the fear of being not good enough for someone.

Your friend,

What if

“You could have loved me better if I had loved myself more” – he whispered.

Stuck in the moment

Written along blurred lines

Our story may have been.

Back and forth, my love

You cannot change what is deemed.


You seem to be cold with me

Yet I know I was the one to blame.

I once was warm and happy

Now I’m heartless and in pain.

Free Time

It’s been a while since I’ve updated anything here in the blog. I’ve been having a hard time balancing my time for my day job, school and the blog. I’ve been wanting to write about so many things, so many places and food and so much more. I’ll make it up to you guys 🙂

I hope you have no problem with balancing your time too, set your priorities and plan ahead. A good way to achieve something is to have a plan.

Will be posting soon! Thank you & I love you ❤️

Ps, here’s what the beach after sunset looked like:

Love, Tim 🍉

Lost in Taoist Temple.

The Cebu Taoist Temple, one of Cebu’s famous tourist attraction was built in 1972. People from all sorts of life and religion come here to see its grandeur and offer prayers and wishes of good luck and fortune. 💫 One can also refresh and relax with the view that the temple has to offer.

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Get lost with Tim, Taoist Temple. 2017.

My June Experience.

All good things must come to an end and every ending is a new beginning.

A new chapter has been added to my life. At first, I was hesitant, unsure and perhaps was scared. I was never really a people person because I was trapped in my own safe haven which I created for my self preservation.

Opening up to others, making the extra mile to have a conversation or even just taking the effort to ask for a selfie is not really my forté. I’d like to stay in the sideline, and just observe and just wait for my eco-system to be altered, for the better, I guess.

All of this changed, not entirely but gradually. I’ve learned that YOU have to be that person, that YOU have to make that effort to reach out and begin what’s needed to begin. Learn to adjust with everyone but not to the extent that you will let your guard down and just let them see right through you cause remember that preserving your mystery is the key and a superpower like invisibility.

Cliché as it seems, change really is the only thing that is constant in this world and I like that. I don’t define myself as an introvert nor an extrovert cause maybe I’m a mix of both. Making new friends — never that easy. It’s like giving away a piece of you that they can trail and in return you will receive a part of them too. We all are really kids at heart, we can make friends as easy as that even if people have different sets of attitude, you may or may not like it but you just have to live with it because that’s how it goes.

With this, I have come to realize and was able to piece together what making friends mean. It is making the most of the similarities that we had, understanding the differences (especially the “Ilonggo” language — which I think is really cool and really soothing to the ears) and creating a bond out of this formula that would eventually be unbreakable. Hopefully.


Will forever treasure the two boat rides, six cabs, eight jeepneys, countless trips to the elevator and the spiral stairs, not to mention the mind twisting traffic and the sleepless nights I had to go through because of exams, foodtrips and random coffee nights. The few places that made me feel touristy. Also keeping in mind the free food served every after an hour and a half or two, the crazy boomerang videos and the ENDLESS selfie ops. Not to forget the accomodation that made us feel like we were Rajahs and Ranis on vacation. It has been a pleasure training with you!

Alvin Timothy Tan
TTP Batch 4